What is a diagram and what is it for?

Do you know what a diagram is and its usefulness? We teach you how to make a diagram to study or structure ideas. Do you know the types of diagrams? Enters!

Keys to studying in summer

If you have to study in the summer, then it is necessary that you know some keys that will help you to have good results in your exams.

Phases of reading

Phases of reading

We tell you what the phases of reading are so that you understand the text in the shortest time possible and do not miss any details when reading.

How to make outlines correctly

In this article we show you how to make diagrams correctly for a better assimilation of concepts from what has been studied in the subject.

Study techniques to improve understanding of the text

3 study techniques that work

If you think that when you study you are not making good use of your time, then you should learn to have better study techniques.

Review your study techniques

Review your study techniques and achieve the pass that you want so much. Remember that with effort and perseverance you can achieve it.

How to face exams successfully

How to face the exams successfully according to Dr. Javier Lavilla, specialist at the University Clinic of the University of Navarra,

take notes

Different ways to take notes

If you want to take notes effectively, you should know some methods to get the information received to suit you better.

Adult literacy classes

Adult literacy classes

The literacy classes for adults are organized through associations and municipalities and aim for our elders to be able to read and write

Facing a suspense

A key date is approaching, which closes the first school term and with it come the grades, and the dreaded failures. How to deal with a suspense?

Group learning III

Continuing Learning in group I and Learning in group II: The first link to form our group is ...

Group learning II

  Following what we mentioned in the previous article, Group Learning I, I am going to list the benefits that are ...

Group learning

Group study is not nonsense ... It has many advantages, perhaps unconsciously, many have discovered ...

Memotechnical rules

If you have studied a lot in this life, I imagine that even if you do not know what the MEMOTECHNICAL RULES are, surely ...

Tricks to "act" in court.

We know that a picture is worth a thousand words, so there is something that we must always keep in mind ...

A help to learn to "read"

Today I want to bring you an example that you can do to know if you know how to read (and understand) what you read or ...

Hotels as a study center

When we appear for an examination in a place that is not where we usually live, we often go before ...

Body language

When talking to a friend, we usually move our arms, or swing, or make faces with our faces ...

A master technique

One of the techniques that I usually use to obtain great results (and although it seems that it does not work quite well) is ...

Opposition courts, subjective?

Many times we ask ourselves the question of whether or not there will be a plug in the oppositions, whether a person knows ...

Cartoon Technique

Mnemonic techniques (which is what the comic strip technique belongs to) are widely used by students ...


When we have to study, what we have to do is memorize the text in front of us so that, when ...