Keys to approving an opposition

For more or less 3 months I have been fully involved in an opposition (it is not important to say what it is for) so I can write this article with full knowledge of what I am talking about. When you explain to your family or friends that you are going to study an opposition, as a rule, they encourage you everything they can or know, but if they do not have their own or close experience about what it means to study an opposition, they will not be totally at first. aware of what such a fact entails.

As a first measure and recommendation that I make to you as a student of an opposition, it is that you make them participate in this educational and professional decision that you have taken. For various reasons: you will have to have all the free time to study, on bad days (which there will be) you will need their full support and understanding and a third reason, and no less important, they must understand that your priority, or at least One of them is to prepare this opposition and approve it. We clarify this because during your study (which at least is usually one year in almost all of them and can be perfectly extended to 4 or 5 years) there will be days when you cannot go to family appointments, outings with friends, occasional events, etc. . You family and friends They must know this and therefore they must respect your decision and your study times.

That said, I'll give you some keys to approve an opposition, or at least keys to give everything while the study lasts. Then other factors influence, such as luck, in which we no longer have so much hand there ...

General and study tips to prepare an opposition

  • Have a calm and quiet environment to prepare your study day by day. There is nothing like silence to be totally concentrated when studying, although there are people who prefer some background music to have a better performance. You better than anyone should know what are the conditions that the place of study must meet in order for you to concentrate better. Look for them! It can be your room, the library, etc.
  • Find out about the academies with the highest passing rates in your locality. This point is super important to have some competitiveness with the rest of your colleagues (it will motivate you more) and to have a good syllabus of studies. In academies you will not feel so lost or even when studying an opposition. That said, I will add that to study an opposition you must have some money. Take it as one investment for the future.

  • Think of an opposition as a "long distance race." You have to spend time, a lot of time. It is not worth studying a couple of hours a day, and if so, do not expect to take them out in months or a year. The study of an opposition could well be equated to the study of half a career or university degree. So do not get confused in time and think that sooner or later, one of those places that are called, will be yours.
  • Set schedules and stick to them. Whether you are also working or if you are only 100% with the opposition, set some study schedules and stick to them all. Wake up at the same time, start studying in the morning for the same period of time each day so your body gets used to this routine and take the same breaks.
  • You must be 100% motivated. As we said in previous paragraphs, it is normal that at some point in the study you are tired, you do not see the end of the study, you lack motivation due to low performance. If this is occasional, keep fighting for what you want, only those who give up fail. If the lack of motivation is prolonged in time, think that perhaps you are sacrificing a large part of your time for an opposition or future profession that you really do not like. It can happen, in fact, many opponents end up abandoned for this reason. Therefore, I recommend you make sure that what you are studying is what you want to practice in the future.

Whether you are immersed in these oppositions already, or if you are seriously considering doing them or not, I give you a lot of strength and encouragement from here. I assure you that you are not alone in this and that there are many of us "crazy" who are like you. Luck!

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